Wednesday, April 2, 2014

MS and Such

I'm beginning to think that being tired is a pain in the ass! This last month I haven't had the energy to do much of anything. I wake up thinking about all of the things I'll be doing that day and I barely accomplish but a few of them. It's irritating to say the least. I'm not sure if it's my MS rearing it's annoying head or if I have something else going on.

I did start a new medication for nerve pain. It's my third different med for the pain in my back and right shoulder. It worked really well the first week or so, but now I think they'll have to up the dose. I also feel like it is making my already crappy sleep pattern even worse. I can't take it much longer. I just want to get a good nights sleep! I've never, ever slept well in my entire life. However, now I'm at a point where I'd really like to experience that feeling.

On a positive note, my Lhermitte's sign issue is starting to subside a bit. I had some pretty intense shocking sensations for a short period of time. It's frustrating to experience these things and not have a way to fix them. MS is such a pain in the everywhere!

Next weekend (April 12) I will be participating in Walk MS again. I think it's a great way to meet other people dealing with this disease as well as a great way to raise awareness. When I was diagnosed with MS and began telling my friends quite a few immediately confused it with MD (muscular dystrophy). I don't know how many times I heard the phrase "Jerry's Kids" and had to explain that it wasn't that. I try to do my part to educate others about MS and raise money for research, because I want to see a cure discovered in my lifetime. I want to be able to look back someday and say I helped.
My son after Walk MS 2013

So, if you are looking to support a cause that is worthwhile please donate to my Walk MS fund. Maybe you have MS or know someone who does. If so, visit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society's website for more info about everything MS. There are forums where you can discuss having MS or caring for someone who does. You can sign-up for Walk MS and many other events. There are plenty of other resources on their site as well.

Here's hoping next weekend is nice and sunny so my family and fellow MSer's have a great Walk MS weekend. Thanks for reading!



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