These past few months have been a really life-altering experience for me. I have started a new chapter in my life by beginning a business. I haven't had time to blog, as I'm sure you can all tell. This being said, I am going to make some changes to my blog in the next month or so.
I've decided since life has so many altering moments, it's okay for my blog to as well. I am at a point where I need to decide what is the most important in my daily routine. My family will always come first, of course. My business is now second. My blog, well that fits in somewhere in the top five.
I love writing, but I feel like my voice is better suited in an area I know more about and enjoy sharing with others. Don't get me wrong, I love to cook and I think I'm pretty good at for the most part (I have my epic fails, but that's the fun part). So, with that being said, I am going to overhaul my blog.
I'm going to begin writing about a few different topics. Ones that I know are better suited for the knowledge I hold. I had considered ending the whole thing, but I know that I wouldn't be very happy with the decision. I don't want to abandon ship. I just want to do something different. That's just how I am. I'm random. In a good way though.
So, with this being said, I want to thank the readers who have sent me emails of support and left comments on my posts. I appreciate you taking those precious moments of time you have to spend a few moments with me. I really hope the changes I make in the next month will be something that will impress you and help you decide to come back for more. I think the changes are definitely a step in the right direction.
Thanks so much for your time and as always, take care!
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Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy reader feedback and I respond as soon as I can. Take care :)